by the artist
portraits: the techniques of
- »Theatre
of the Mind« (1976)
idea behind these images is to create a photograph that will show the
- psychological
spaces and relationships that exist between various members
- of
a family group. Using the actual people, a playlike drama is set up before
- the
lens. The project is explained to the subjects and their cooperation en-
- listed.
The photographer asks the individuals how they feel towards one
- another
and gets them to act out that relationshp in a physical way so that
- it
can be caught by the camera. The photographer might conduct a brief in-
- terview
with the family before the shooting session in order to obtain a more
- accurate
picture of what is really going on amongst them. More often than not,
- he
relies on almost psychic intuitions derived from his first impressions
- tbe
emotional »script« that holds the family together in its particular
form of
- interaction.
These intuitions often prove to be true, confirmed by more de-
- tailed
observation and by the subjects themselves. The photographic frame
- is
no longer being used as a documentarv window into undisturbed private
- lives,
but as a stage on which the subjects consciously direct themselves to
- bring
forward hidden information that is not usually displayed on the surface.
- The
photographer hopes not only to show us what families look like, which
- we
already know, but to penetrate deeper into their thoughts and emotions.